Ian Wallace - A true music man and legend of Scottish record retailing.


Big Sparra Vinyl


7 New Bridge Street, Ayr, Ayrshire KA7JX

01292 737520

bigsparravinyl@gmail.com; @bigsparravinyl

Monday-Saturday 10am-5.30pm

Established 2010

Stock: Vinyl, CD, Pre-owned, Cassettes, Tickets, T-shirts, Turntables


Owners Robert McKain and Ian Wallace describe Big Sparra Vinyl as a little store with a big heart. Originally, they rented space within a studio in Glasgow, before moving to Ayr, again renting space, this time within the local post office. This unusual arrangement worked surprisingly well. Vinyl fans in Ayr were delighted to have a retail outlet for the format, even if it was in a post office. It was not long before Big Sparra had four shelves to display their wares, but demand soon outstripped display space and the duo rented a shop with a beautiful view over the harbour.


Since then Big Sparra Vinyl has thrived. Record Store Day is a good barometer of the improvement.  When they opened the door on RSD 2015, the first year that they participated, the queue consisted of four people. In 2016, the queue was up to 14, and in 2017, 140 people were waiting outside. By 2018, the queue was too big to count.

 Robert and Ian are committed to the local community, championing unsigned local bands whose records they sell without taking a cut.


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